Reception Tours 2024/25

Reception Admissions September 2025
If your child was born between 1 September 2020 and 31 August 2021, you need to apply for a reception place for them for September 2025.
We understand that picking a school can be a difficult process, and we invite parents/carers to walk round our school with the Early Years team, get a chance to speak to our Early Year teachers and see our learning environment.
We have set dates for our tours, parent/carers and children are welcome. -
Thursday 17th October 9.45am
Thursday 17th October 1.15pm
Thursday 24th October 9.45am
Thursday 24th October 1.15pm
Monday 11th November 5pm
Thursday 21st November 9.45am
Thursday 21st November 1.15pm
Please book your place here