Peterborough Keys Academies Trust
Dear Parent/Carers
We are delighted to announce that our 5 schools, Jack Hunt School, Longthorpe Primary School, Middleton Primary School, Ravensthorpe Primary School and Thorpe Primary School, converted to form a Multi-Academy Trust, The Peterborough Keys Academies Trust (PKAT), on 1st April 2018. You can access the PKAT website
If you would like more information about PKAT Governance Structure you can find it here: Peterborough Keys Academies Trust - Governance Structure (
You can find our current Memorandum of Association, the PKAT Articles of Association, the Funding Agreement, Annual Accounts and Annual Report here: Peterborough Keys Academies Trust - Funding Agreements ( and Peterborough Keys Academies Trust - Annual Report (
The Register of Interest for the Accounting Officer can be found here: Peterborough Keys Academies Trust - Trustees (
The number of employees in the Trust whose benefits exceed £100k can be found here: Peterborough Keys Academies Trust - Executive Pay (
Gender pay gap information can be found here: Peterborough Keys Academies Trust - Gender Pay Gap (
Yours faithfully
E. Anderson
Miss Anderson